My first baby boomer notebook entry is about something I used to do as a kid in the 1960s – and yes, that’s A.D., not B.C.! 😊 To pull off this little trick, you needed just two things:

The Essentials for the Trick

  1. A Daisy Winchester-Style BB Gun
  2. A glass Coke bottle from the baby boomer years

How It Worked

The trick was simple but fascinating. You placed the tip of the BB gun barrel up against the bottom of the Coke bottle and pulled the trigger. The result? Something astonishing and almost artistically beautiful!

The Beautiful Glass Cone

When the BB struck the bottom of the Coke bottle, it created a perfectly formed glass cone inside. The cone had no sharp edges, adding to its unique beauty. Unfortunately, I don’t have one to show you how amazing it was, but trust me, it was something special.


Illustrative cone shape

A Visual Representation

I wish I could share a photo of one of these glass cones, but since I don’t have any of the originals, the best I can do is offer a generic cone-shaped illustration for reference. Not quite the real glass work of art, but close enough!

Did You Try This Too?

How about you? Did you ever make these glass objects during your baby boomer days? Better yet, do you have a photo of one, or can you easily make one now? I’d love to see it if you do! Sure, I could buy an old BB gun and a vintage Coke bottle to make one for myself, but that seems a bit excessive just for a piece of baby boomer glass history.

A Future Artifact

Sometimes, I smile at the thought of someone digging up one of these glass cones 1,000 years from now. I wonder what they would think it was used for?
